$115/wk包水电,近Semaphore beach & Port Adelaid......

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liu baozhen 2014-05-02  中国
I am a new immigrant from China. I will be arriving in Australia with my husband and daughter on 15th May. I like this property and i want to rent it. Would you please reply me soon if you see my application? Thank you very much!
回复:  Hi, this is only a single bed room. I think it is too small for your family of three.

    [2014-05-03 10:11:16]
XUE tao 2014-04-02  中国
你好,你们的房间租出去了吗?我5月份去阿德莱德,距离The Queen Elizabeth Hospital远吗?
回复:  你好,这个单人房间过两周后可以出租。你什么时候来?来工作吗?离 queen Elizabeth hospital 不远。你可以查一下,我的地址是68 Victoria St, Queenstown, 5014. 谢谢。

    [2014-05-03 10:14:32]
Victor Hsu 2014-02-11  中国
Hello Matt, this\'s Victor Hsu. Do you have a Gmail address or other email address?

I wish that you could reply this as soon as possible. Thanks in advance.
回复:  fatgalaxie68@hotmail.com Have you confirmed of your flight yet?

    [2014-02-11 05:01:17]
Mike Lee 2014-02-01  中国
回复:  你好。有一个人2月中要来。如果四月份我有空缺的话,我再给你留言。谢谢。

    [2014-02-11 05:02:11]
回复:  你还需要租这房子吗?

    [2014-03-10 21:48:03]
Victor Hsu 2014-01-28  中国
Of course, I shall go to school and return by bus. Related information can be easily found on Google maps. I shall take no.150 to campus and return by no.150B or no.118. In fact,there are more buses to choose from. I think I will have more choices after I adapt to this new environment.
回复:  That\'s good as long as you have prepared. Please let me know once your arrival time is confirmed. Safe trip!

    [2014-01-28 07:01:57]

留言: $115/wk包水电,近Semaphore beach & Port Adelaid......



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