

2006-08-02 杭州,中国 留言

Deep Bule square , which is the second serviced apartment building in hangzhou China , which will be available in the end of Oct ,2006 . managered by Radssion hotel , 5 star service.
more other seriviced apartment , please google: hangzhou apartment

provided Maos Real Estate Service

about us :
Maos Real Estate Service is the first corporation which provides comprehensive real estate service for foreigners, and also many other services to promote the convenience in your daily life.
It includes:

◆Home Search
This is our primary service which will save you a lot of time and trouble to find an agreeable Hangzhou house

◆City orientition;
Not familiar with Hangzhou? Do you want to explore this nice city ? We’ll make a prefect schedule to help you know most about the city within the lest time.

◆Relocation service
Wherever you live around Hangzhou, we could pick up you, your family and everything you need to move to Hangzhou;

◆Household service;
We have professional and well trained staffs to take care of all your housework.

◆Satellite TV Installation Service
We also offer International school admission Service, and consulting service on home decoration. We’ll be glad to hear your needs from you and enlarge the range of our services.

----- We can efficiently find the suitable hangzhou flat or other habitations in Hangzhou according to your actual needs;
-----We have our own sole operating manners, so that you can enjoy our service conveniently even if you are abroad.
-----We follow the time first notion and will response to any of your demand within 24 hours.
----- We highlight searching for apartments in Hangzhou, please contact us if you anytime you need.

Contact us :

Addr : Room 1110 XingHui Tower No707 JianGuoBei Road ,XiaCheng District, Hangzhou ,China .

Tel :0086-571-28920935 0086-571-28917739



租金: 美元2,000(月/周)  区域: Xiacheng Distrcit   租用种类: 独租

房间: 3    卫生间: 2    入住时间:随时入住  联系人: Xiaomao   

  1. Bianca Bonetti
  2. Bianca Bonetti

