

2006-08-15 杭州,中国 留言

Rose Garden , which is well konw villa complex located on The ZhiJiang Road . Many expat faimlies are living there . We haven’t saw such a nice villa in our past 3 working years. There is one huge gadren around 1200Sqms ,and all the furnitures were inputed from the US , the landlord had spent 300 millions to fit this house , which is few case we met in hangzhou real estate market . More informations , please feel free to contact our residentail manager Xiaomao , e-mail 请留言

租金: 美元8,000(月/周)  区域: 滨江区   租用种类: 独租

房间: >6    卫生间: 3    入住时间:随时入住  联系人: xiaomao   

