Serviced apartment in Hangzhou......

Bianca Bonetti 2013-02-01  中国
Good evening,
I am looking for an apartment o a big studio for 2 people in the Xiacheng district in Hangzhou. Could you leave me know if you have any avail abilities? The period would be from immediately till the end of July (6 months).
Thank you

Bianca Bonetti
Bianca Bonetti 2013-02-01  中国
Good evening,
I am looking for an apartment o a big studio for 2 people in the Xiacheng district in Hangzhou. Could you leave me know if you have any avail abilities? The period would be from immediately till the end of July (6 months).
Thank you

Bianca Bonetti

留言: Serviced apartment in Hangzhou......

Deep Bule square , which is the second serviced apartment building in hangzhou China , which will be available in the end of Oct ,2006 . managered by Radssion hotel , 5 star service.
more other seriviced apartment , please google: hangzhou apartment

provided Maos Real E......
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