近UQ 单人间 $185/周

Wayne 2012-05-03  澳大利亚
Hi, is this unit still available? i will need a new place by July. What\'s the address of the place? and who will i be sharing the unit with? any photos?


留言: 近UQ 单人间 $185/周

◎A fully furnished single room
◎Rent is $185 Per week and covers all expenses
◎Location: Macquarie Street, St Lucia
◎Next to UQ Parking Lot
◎Very handy and close to UQ, and also close to bus stops
◎Less than 3 minutes walk to UQ sc......
  • 小提示: 联系我时,请说是在Move2Rent.com上看到的,谢谢!
  • 转载请注明: 出租信息来自 http://www.move2rent.com/msgall/91391.html +复制链接

