Newport豪华大客厅或次卧Newport Washington Squa......
李军岩 |
2015-10-04 |
中国 |
回复留言 您好,我MBA刚毕业,以前在底特律的Wayne state上学,想去纽约找工作。男生,性格外向,容易与人相处,但也不会打扰别人给他人添麻烦。不吸烟,无任何不良嗜好,很爱干净。我现在在国内看家人,如果此房还没有出租能不能加我微信(微信号18840679452)或者邮箱联系。大概10月10日左右飞到纽约,已经拿到EAD card,拿到签证,在纽约也有几个面试。谢谢了 |
留言: Newport豪华大客厅或次卧Newport Washington Squa......
写在前面:这地方适合working professionals & college students
No working class please
Rent is lower than most of other options in Newport(usually range from 930-1200/month)
​ You will be living with other two guys, one is working professional(photographer), the ......
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