Korean Room Rent(3分钟到 Algonquin)......

Manyi 2015-08-21  中国
Hi I am interested in renting your room on Move 2Rent. Are you still renting it? May I have your email?

留言: Korean Room Rent(3分钟到 Algonquin)......

Now we are renting a room in semi basement.
It has a big bright window.

It's very close Algonquin college. 5min by walk.
It's clean and well maintained

There are two Korean students so you can have more chance to talk in English. They......
  • 小提示: 联系我时,请说是在Move2Rent.com上看到的,谢谢!
  • 转载请注明: 出租信息来自 http://www.move2rent.com/msgall/179151.html +复制链接

