
sally 2015-08-17  中国
Hello Eillot
thanks for interest this apartment, the price of 340 is only for the 2 bedrooms's fee, any other expenses are not included, you need to pay by yourself.
Eillot 2015-08-17  澳大利亚
Is it $340/pw?
And will it be available for the middle of January to the end of February?
Is it include the electricity, use of water, network and gas fee?
If is available, please contact me through SMS or E-mail. Both English and Chinese are available. Thank you

留言: 公寓出租

there is a morden and new apartment need to rent out in logan central, its close to everything, the bus stop just under the apartment , the train station only walk 1-2minutes from the apartment, the apartment is a 2 bedrooms,2bathroooms and one car park , its good for family.现有一套2室2厅2卫带车位......
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