Parkmerced 好房,大 Bedroom,独立卫生间和衣橱,只......

cc 2015-07-29  中国
你好,请问现在还有房间要出租吗? 方便的话可以留一下微信或者qq等联系方式吗? 我的qq是619253823.谢谢!
Lara 2015-04-07  台湾
Hello, I am Lara.I am a female college student from Taiwan,and i'll go there for studying SFSU from nearly 2015/9/1 to 2016/6 or 2016/8 . We have 2 people want to rent it. Both of us are good friends and girls,so u don't have to worried about the complex relationship between us.hahahaha~~~~We r every interested in ur house. If u have aspiration to rent it for us,plz contact me.Hope u have a wonderful day.

留言: Parkmerced 好房,大 Bedroom,独立卫生间和衣橱,只......

. 毗邻旧金山州立大学,安全
2. 1100$ 每月,包水电。
3. Nice,安静的室友,互不打扰。
4. 四月初可入住。押金为一个月房租(1100$).
5. 房屋属于公寓型,地址: 310 Arballo Dr,San Francisco,94132
联系人 Bruce: 415-603-8157
或 小玉阿姨: 415-816-5037......
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