Daly City Westlake 招妹纸合租...

Lara 2015-04-07  台湾
Hello, I am Lara.I am a female college student from Taiwan,and i'll go there for studying SFSU from nearly 2015/9/1 to 2016/6 or 2016/8 . We have 2 people want to rent it. Both of us are good friends and girls,so u don't have to worried about the complex relationship between us.hahahaha~~~~We r every interested in ur house. If u have aspiration to rent it for us,plz contact me.Hope u have a wonderful day.

留言: Daly City Westlake 招妹纸合租...

Daly City Westlake Aprtment一房一厅,现在客厅招长住~随时可以入住~$800/月(包水,电,垃圾费等)
采光非常好,生活便利,小区非常安全,步行五分钟到Westlake Shopping Center,有Safeway, Ross, HomeDepot, Trader Joe's, Walgreens等商铺,图书馆、咖啡厅、邮局、洗衣房、瑜伽健身、各类餐馆都在......
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