£95per week double bedroom fully furnished in Lo......

JIAXIN ZHANG 2015-06-08
hi,i am a student in the uk. i am looking for a room to stay in london at least 8 weeks for internship. the period is from 3th of september to 11th of november may be longer please let me know if this is of your interest.
Wendy 2015-04-20
Hi, I am a student who is studying in the UK. I am looking for a room to stay in London for two months during my summer holidays. The period is between 18th July to 19th September which might be changed, but the difference would be very small. Please let me know if this is of your interest.
荆涛 2014-08-13  中国
你好,请问可以短期出租吗,八月底到十月份,邮箱 请留言

留言: £95per week double bedroom fully furnished in Lo......

Looking for a quiet single professional or student to share with professional working mother and son (12 years old) in a 3 bed maisonette.
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