吉朗Geelong近Deakin Waurn Ponds校区阳光房150-1......

kelly 2014-08-12  澳大利亚
Hi I need to rent a room in Geelong for few months and will be moving around 20 Aug. May I know if your room AUD100 is inclusive all and available for rent? Thank you. I speak Mandarin, however can\'t able to type in the web. Thank you. Regards, Kelly.

留言: 吉朗Geelong近Deakin Waurn Ponds校区阳光房150-1......

舒适阳光亮丽的2房间出租,各设有双人床(或者2单人床,根据需要调整)。小房间单人$150每周,或者双人共$210每周。大房间单人 $175每周,双人共$230每周。Bill全包,无任何其它费用。全包无限上网,水,煤,暖气, 电费。 即可短住也可长住。

干净整洁,装潢精良, 宽敞明亮, 设有书桌椅,.大型衣柜储物柜,电视......
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