Quincy 高速旁边高档公寓 找室友...

Donna 2013-09-15  中国
I am Donna,female, a PhD candidate. I will be a J-1 scholar at Boston University for a year and am quite eager to find a good place to live.

Could you tell me if I could be the potential tenant? If possible, could you response ASAP by email. Thank you so much!

留言: Quincy 高速旁边高档公寓 找室友...

quincy (在93公路20口下口即是)精装修的公寓 求一室友 公寓里面很不错 可以看房 朝南 风景好 本人男生学生 联系电话 6174121183 Tom...
  • 小提示: 联系我时,请说是在Move2Rent.com上看到的,谢谢!
  • 转载请注明: 出租信息来自 http://www.move2rent.com/msgall/156941.html +复制链接

