2 房出租, 步行至Griffith Nathan校區 - Coopers P......

LSH 2013-06-06  台湾
If we arrive there at 7/22, is it still available?
Two girls want this twin room.
And want to know the price a week thanks

留言: 2 房出租, 步行至Griffith Nathan校區 - Coopers P......

1 房位于静街,交通便利、環境寧靜,房屋明亮整洁,宽敞舒适,通风极佳,独立门锁,入墙衣柜,设备齐全优良。全套家具, 院内停车。不和房东同住. 去CITY各处十分便利. 步行7分钟到Aldi,Hungry Jack, Pizza Hut和便利商店等. 步行5分钟至巴士站(124, 125, 135, 120& 119,598& 599). 30minutes CityExpres......
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