templestowe 全新townhouse 整租靠近village......

susie 2013-03-17  澳大利亚
Hi Do you want to rent the house as a complete or only 2 bedrooms? the rent is about 2300/month
Lily 2013-03-17  中国
I am from China and my 15-year-old son will arrive in Melbourne with me on April 9th so I want to rent a house or a room close to Templestowe College , we don’t smoking and no pets . I am looking forward your answer , thank you very much .

留言: templestowe 全新townhouse 整租靠近village......

现有全新的townhous,步行2分钟到Templestowe village,今年5-6月份可入住,如有需要,请联系0405257503。
  • 小提示: 联系我时,请说是在Move2Rent.com上看到的,谢谢!
  • 转载请注明: 出租信息来自 http://www.move2rent.com/msgall/149223.html +复制链接

