campsie 140/w 光亮房间出租...

joanne 2013-02-14  中国
Hello Jenny,

I am interested at your ad. on lend out a single room (campsie fifthe ave). I would like to rent a sigle room from Feb 18th till end of June. I am a Cantonese girl, quiet, kind and clean. I gave you a call just now but no answer. Would appreciate your reply ans hope you will accept me as your tenant.

留言: campsie 140/w 光亮房间出租...

campsie 一光亮房间出租,学生优先,140/周 bill 全包,有基本家具,全新衣柜,近购物,火车站10分钟,友善房东,欢迎咨询,电话:0430245111 jenny女士...
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