Box hill townhouse 1房出租(步行3分鐘到CENTRO......
yao |
2012-08-21 |
台湾 |
回复留言 Dear Sirs,
We are interested for ur rent room post.
As i m not in australia yet, can you please email me to below email of 请留言 />
Therefore, we can discuss about the rent room further.
Thank you.
Best regards,
Yao |
留言: Box hill townhouse 1房出租(步行3分鐘到CENTRO......
本帖最后由 cnb2012 于 2012-8-19 18:18 编辑
Box hill 超大TOWNHOUSE 1房間出租. 有暖冷氣,上網,有車位,家具電器齊全,大壁櫥
步行3分鐘即到BOX HILL CENTRO. 房间有雙人床, 抽屜桌子加椅子. 可包家具或不包.
608 per month/ share bills .男女......
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