City 大房好房出租
liu baozhen |
2014-05-02 |
中国 |
回复留言 I am a new immigrant from China. I will be arriving in Australia with my husband and daughter on 15th May. I like this property and i want to rent it. Would you please reply me soon if you see my application? Thank you very much! |
留言: City 大房好房出租
家里住的2个男生 1个女生 男生是上班 女生在adelaide uni读书 家里干净安静
有车库 有晒衣服的地方 没有宠物 没有couple 提供一切厨具
家里出门2分钟到commonwealth bank 和ANZ bank,1分钟到post,门口就是free bus,3分钟走到bus station,门口就是coffee bar 和......
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