可议价 急转boxhill burwood deakin 2号门 非常适合co......

Janet Wu 2012-07-02  中国
Hi, I wld like 2 kno if the apartment is still available. I can only move in around 11 of July if the apartment is still availabe, is that ok? thanks
回复:  Hi, the apartment is still available, I think it\'s ok. Actually, my agent already post the information on the internet, but I want to rent this apartment as soon as possible. You can contact the agent http://www.s-h-a.com.au/pol/property/search.asp?f_propertyID=983071&xsl=760&f_HeadOfficeID=&f_AgentID=

    [2012-07-02 03:51:05]
回复:  PS. the agent might tell you it\'s only for one person.But I know there are several couples living in the building without checking by the agent. Anyway, when you sign the contract with the agent, you can only be single.

    [2012-07-02 04:12:51]

留言: 可议价 急转boxhill burwood deakin 2号门 非常适合co......

如题,一室一厅的apartment 地下通道出口处,过马路就是deakin2号门,图书]图书馆.
环境好,整洁,基本家具电器都有,包括空调跟heater,电视机. 也包括一切餐具厨具,可直接拎包入住。
房间宽敞, 绝非studio,非常适合couple.
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