出租one room 5月1号到8月30号...

Charlotte Ma 2012-10-10  美国
hi, i am interested in renting an apartment for christmas holiday.
I know that some do not offer short-term lease. Therefore, i would like to tell you i probably will stay for a month. How many roommates in total? Are there any wifi service? What facilities do you have?

Thank you!=)
lisa 2012-04-26  美国
台湾妈妈,只需要 4/28 - 6/2, 可以吗?

留言: 出租one room 5月1号到8月30号...

本人暑假出租house 中的一个房间,要求女生,爱干净。
从5月1日到8月30号,地址是60 calumet street#3-2,boston,MA,02120.步行到地铁站不超过5分钟(Brigham Circle),旁边有stop&shop,周围是medical center,坐E line 和39路公交车可以到northeastern university,15分钟左右到prudential。月租500,......
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  • 转载请注明: 出租信息来自 http://www.move2rent.com/msgall/132536.html +复制链接

