
dada zhang 2012-01-16  美国
本人是留学生。 自己租下的房子签了一年的合约。 但是因为家里有一些事情需要回国。所以现有一套 studio 酒店公寓式的。 公寓的名字叫 herald towers, 地址是 34th street 6大道。。现在紧急出租 2月份—8月份, 包全套家具 还有一台40寸三星电视。内饰装饰的很现代。 在纽约不可能找到比这个更好的房子了。 有意的请速度和我联系。 电话:5308406113 QQ:7308759 非诚勿扰。

Jim 2012-01-09  瑞典
Hi, Thanks for your offer. I have temporarily found a place to put myself up for the initial few weeks in NY, which means I may still need to look for a place where I can stay longer term. However, I prefer to do that when I am physically in NYC, and to be honest, my priority areas would be places below 96 St. (What is the rent on your place at 103 St?) Thanks anyway, I may get in touch with you, but feel free to seek other tenants in the meantime.
李良训 2012-01-08  美国
Hi Jim,

I just saw your ad, and i am wondering if you are still looking for an apartment in Manhattan area. I have a studio in upper east side, 103 street, and i would like to offer it to you. This studio is new renovated and completely new. I am wondering how long are you looking to stay and are u still currently looking ?

留言: 白领求租曼哈顿

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