多年經驗, 一對一輔導,專教數學物理化学,近North Strathfield火車站 (悉尼). 详情:https://sites.google.com/site/uncleleeclassroom/ 阅读全文
本人国家一级网球运动员,兼教练员。场地可电话联系也可就近安排。如有需要请网球教练或陪练的朋友,还有想让自己小孩以网球特长升学的家长,可以与我联系,,场地价格面议。欢迎来电咨询!谢谢您的关注! 电话:0424736958 名字:MAY... 阅读全文
Chinese Tai Chi Martial Arts is for anyone interested in relaxing their body, gaining a stronger mind/body connection, more healthy (especially low back) and achieving high levels of fitness and weight loss. Chinese Tai Chi benefits the body, mind & spirit, better than Yoga. Suitable for all ages and levels of fitness, and with our qualified Chinese Martial Arts Master, you are...... 阅读全文