房屋求租 面议 - 澳大利亚 珀斯/Perth


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Hello I am Ximing and 41Years old. I am going to start my master of nursing study for two years at curtin in the coming July. I am an international student. My husband will accompany me. I am Chinese and My husband is German. I live and work in Germany for many years. We will move to Perth in coming July. We are looking for an apartment / Studio / Room for couple. I do not have a car

  • 入住时间: 随时

如有房源,请尽快联系… 我有房源


  • 电话:
  • 联系人:Ximing Prehn-Li
别划走,这篇是超值惊喜奶茶火锅原料海运澳洲珀斯的食品清关材料就怕你漏掉的4个地方 Wembley Downs 两室一厅美景房出租 近City,Maylands区,全新房,大床房独间出租 近Murdoch Uni 近Fiona Stanley Hospital七月底即可入住主臥有獨立衛浴 Rivervale双层townhouse 楼下超大theater room招租
出租房間 整租Willetton学区房650/W 新装修主卧近MORLEY商场/珀斯市中心/北桥 珀斯分租单间 整屋出租
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