hi, South Melbourne Delivery Driver, if you have your own car, $4.5 per delivery, if you don\\\'t have a car and still wanna apply the job, we will give you a car to drive, $8-$12 per hour and you need to do some kitchen works. Thanks. Please send your resume to Please leave you message, and leave your phone number. Thanks....... 阅读全文
Live in southbank. Fromm hk violin teacher. from 15-20 per hour. Good violin skill. anytime is ok please contect 0412449539 阅读全文
Violin teacher that from hk. $15-20 per hrs. well known of violin Live at southbank. 阅读全文
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本人及朋友(均男性)3.20-3.30去悉尼旅游,因英文水平有限,想找一名当地华人导游兼翻译(最好有车),具体行程3.20-3.25在悉尼,3.26-3.30在墨尔本,价格待议!如有意者,请联系张先生,国内手机13371951743,或者把你的联系方式发到我的邮箱,我与你联系! ... 阅读全文
我是加拿大公民.退休医生[著名物理治疗师]求职!照顾老年人.护理病人.照顾孩子.月子...样样事情都可以.最好能给我提供住房只有我一个人.我现在在中国2-3月份回加拿大..有意请与我联系. 谢谢! I am a Canadian citizen. Retired physician [famous physiotherapists] job! Care for the elderly. Patient care. Look after their children. Son on ... issues can be everything. Best I can provide shelter I am the o...... 阅读全文
need an agent to promote accommodation, commition for every success sell. interested, contact us. 阅读全文
*****,您好! 寻求海外雇主和代理 我是加拿大CIBS海外移民投资贸易有限公司中国总代表处及内江市海派劳务有限公司工作人员,加拿大CIBS海外移民投资贸易有限公司是加拿大BC省注册公司,注册号为BC0773652,领馆认证号为0003683.sichua。内江市海派劳务有限公司注册号为5110002860602。我公司在加国的网页是www.canadacibs.com, 建筑网站是www.slheco.com,护理网站是www.caregivercibs.com,劳务网站是www.c...... 阅读全文