HIC : www.homeinchengdu.com We are specialized in offering relocation services to expatriates&companies,one-stop solution for leasing apartments,villas,offices,chain stores and related Real estate services.Our goal is to make yourlife easier and comfortable in Chengdu. Agent: Yuki 13458627267...... 阅读全文
主营各类印刷,电脑刻字,礼品印制,广告印刷,名片,菜单,宣传页,手册,信封,档案袋,购物袋,厨师纸帽,台历,纸筷子套,情侣T恤,亲子装,广告衫,广告杯,个性帽子印制,个性口罩,盘,瓷砖,鼠标垫,拼图,各类布艺等印制,个性水晶,挂坠印制,个性墙贴,灯箱帖字,各种刻绘,大幅AUTO CAD绘图,复杂剪纸画等. 名片(12小时内交货) 1000张黑白双面$49 1000张彩色双面腹膜$139 信封(提前预定,一周...... 阅读全文
联东U谷总占地面积1300亩,规划建筑面积100万平方米,绿化面积20万平米,分为五个区域:办公研发区、中试生产区、制造加工区、企业定制区、综合服务区,打造四大平台:研发办公平台、商务平台、流通平台、制造平台。 联东U谷根据产业集群理念和产业链发展规律,整个园区产业规划分为四个区域一个服务中心,SOHO办公区域;中试研发区域;生产制造区域;企业定制区域;服务中心为园区提供生产、生活、商务配套服务。 高新技术产...... 阅读全文
Website: www.bridgeislandmotel.com , 1000 Islands Cottage (Chalet) Style Motel & Cabin, Camp Ground & R.V. Park (between Qananoque & Brockville, Ontario Canada). 1000 Islands Accommodation (between Rockport & Brockville, Ontario Canada). 1000 Islands Motel (between brockville & Rockport, Ontario Canada). 1000 Islands Camp Ground & R.V. Park (1000 Islan...... 阅读全文
墨尔本批发零售各式拖鞋,凉鞋,绝对的质优价廉! 欢迎联系: Ben 0434 195 951 Simple drop me a call on 0434 195 951(0433125139) or come to visit our store. We are next to TOP TRADE. Our Best Quality: In support of our commitment to quality and service, Ben\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s slipper have joined forces with the leading manufactures of slipper materials in China to bring our clients t...... 阅读全文
位于CROWN旁边,绝佳地理位置,方便在CITY上班或者上学的人停车,因为理解在CITY找车位的困难,所以空出了一个车位,希望有兴趣的人致电。 ANITA 0405175038 Just a few walks to the Crown, definitely located in a great place. convenient for the you if you are working or studying in city. I totally understand how hard it is to find a spot for car parking in City, so I just got an ext...... 阅读全文
我正在寻找营业额大于或多于25万并且具有盈利能力的奶茶,果汁,咖啡等饮料专卖或连锁店的生意。 地点最好在墨尔本的东南区或者市区,有意者清联系: Mia 0430712210 Dear friend: I’m currently looking for a business which is mainly focusing on beverage selling, like fruit juice, coffee or milk tea. It’s either a standalone or chain store. The gross revenue of each year must be at least A$250,000....... 阅读全文
急求整租 希望在Glen 或者box hill 火车站 附近都可以 整租房子 可以跟我联系 我们很诚恳的求助 如果房子我们满意 可以当天付押金!如果您有跟我们条件符合的房子要出租 请速与我们联系 电话0430781014(24小时开机)... 阅读全文
CITY! 黄金地段!超值停车位出租,$180!! Spencer St! 请联系 0433 008 345 阅读全文