

2010-06-11 杭州,中国 留言

I,m Lily, a property agent working in Hangzhou region. Nno matter in which area the apartment that you are looking for, you can call me. my cellphone number is 13777891487. My email is 请留言. The company I'm working for is in Qian Jiang New City Linving Area.
I am glad to help you.
As a foreigner, you probably want to find best and safe apartment to live, however, there are some problems that make you hardly to find best apartment by yourself in another country, such as language problem, unfamiliar environment, Chinese contract rules, and so on..
Whatever, it does not matter, Let me help you.


租金: 元7,000(月/周)  区域: Uptown   租用种类: 独租

房间: 3    卫生间: 2    入住时间:随时入住  联系人: lily   

