

2013-02-08 厦门,中国 留言

Families of the Xiamen rent the flagship shop apartment short located at the island in the town center, good communications Xiahelu (article stove gas station) the upscale elevator apartment, the geographical position is superior, the transportation facilitates extremely! Has the large-scale chain-like KTV city--Sings joyfully the KTV hall, the supreme fort ping-pong leisure movement hall, the person with outstanding ability commercial building, wishes the formidable pharmacy and so on, locates the geography good communications, is apart from the ferry terminal 15 minutes driving distances, is apart from the train station 3 minutes driving distances, is apart from the convention center 15 minutes driving distances. The head store chooses in the Xiamen most attractive residential district - article screen building (nearby article stove gas station), is the elevator luxurious apartment, was aims at should the former years university graduates or the enrolled student solves vacation concurrent job hiring out for working to rent short, different comes Xiamen to seek employment the fashion convenient apartment which, the exams for postgraduate schools practice, training, the traveling period short-term rented a room. We provide to you economical, the comfortable clean lodging rest environment, a communication's platform, the apartment facility is complete, good communications, moderate cost. North presently establishes a branch thinks in the article stove flagship shop, the lake the straight camp two shops, the Jimei straight camp three shops. We devote in making the Xiamen area biggest scale, to be most comfortable economically, rent the apartment short.    The upscale repair - - padauk teak floor, the facility is complete: (As soon as the bedding a bedding guest trades), the air conditioning, the water heater, the completely automatic washer, the refrigerator, the digital television, the wide band and so on free use, the customer carries the package then to move, the room has the specialist to clean guarantees, high standard layout, standard relaxation time. The upscale date rents rents the apartment 1-3 days short: Collects fees 29 Yuan/bed/day/person of 4-7 day: Collects fees above 25 Yuan/bed/day/person of 7 day: Collects fees above 20 Yuan/bed/day/person of 30 day: 15 Yuan/bed/day/person Hiring by the month special price 400 Yuan/months, continue the 2nd month, 350 Yuan/months (note: The apartment take rents the bed as a unit, establishes a branch two worlds, four worlds, six worlds), have the high-level lover one-roomed date to rent in addition rent short, ultra bed, hotel enjoyment, compared to hotel also low price!!!! The apartment 24 hours have the specialist to clean safeguard, 24 hour security does an inspection. The apartment divides the male student department, the female student department, welcome to have the quality, likes the clean friends moving into this apartment, moves into must register myself valid identification. 4th, consultation: Contact method: 15711501037 QQ:892293100 5. address: The Xiahelu article screen building, nearby the article stove gas station, is away from the train station 3 minutes

租金: 美元20(月/周)  区域: 火车站附近   租用种类: 分租

房间: 3    卫生间: 2    入住时间:随时入住    

