★★Mel 南边★Bentleigh(1、2区交界)Moorabbin前两站★单人间★110全包!!【只招不吸烟female】!
南边 Bentleigh (1、2区交界,无论去1区或2区,只要买那个区的票)一house 出租single room
female only!!房租110,including all bills!!
房子图片链接:http://www.flickr.com/photos/ 请留言 />
address :149 Jasper Road (紧邻繁华热闹的Centre Road)
5 minutes'walk to Bentleigh Train Station
you may search on the Google Map and see how convenient the location is.
train 10分钟直达Monash University (Caulfield Campus)
家门口bus 5分钟到Holmesglen Institute of TAFE(Moorabbin Campus)
trian 4分钟到Holmesglen Institute of Tafe(Moorabbin Campus),当中隔一站Patterson Station
Contact ways are as follows:
my mobile number 0415 820 169
qq 84400261
email 请留言 />
landlord William's mobile number 0422 118 027
home number (03)95 765 758
Or you can leave the message here as I will come online to view frequently