

2005-02-03 南京,中国 留言

有建筑面积210平方,花园380平方一套独立别墅出租,此别墅位于号称南京“绿肺”紫金山东的仙林大学城,大学城规划合理,人文极佳,别墅小区内环境优美,鸟语花香,为南京不可多得的绿色环境,此小屋装修舒适豪华,租金合理,你可有意体验小桥流水人家的感觉?联系我 请留言 />

Have construction area 210 square, garden 380 square one independent villa hire out, villa this is it known as Nanjing " green lung " Purple Mountain university city of east to lie in, it is rational for the Celestial forest university city university city to plan, humanity is extremely good, with beautiful environment in the villa district, brightness of flowers and birdsongs, for the rare green environment of Nanjing, this cabin of equipment is comfortable and luxurious, rent is rational , can you intend to experience the small bridge flowing water others' feeling? Contact me 请留言, I can kind landlord of you too at the same time


租金: 美元2,500(月/周)  区域: 栖霞   租用种类: 独租

房间: 4    卫生间: 2    入住时间:随时入住    

