

2009-06-05 天津,中国 留言

Just let me know your requirments i will try my best to give help:)
Please get in touch with yvonne,15802284972, 请留言 />
What kind of services can be provided?
*Helping foreigners in tianjin to rent a good quality apartment or villa. One-stop service from seeing the apartment to aftersale service. Totally free.
*Booking low price air tickets for foreigners all over the world.
*Provide interpretation service and chinese learning school for foreigners.
* provide rich experiences housekeeper information
* satellite tv installation
* accompany foreigners to shopping and travlling in tianjin.To recommend you good place to know tianjin well.


租金: 面议(月/周)  区域: 天津各区   租用种类: 独租

房间: 3    卫生间: 2    入住时间:随时入住  联系人: yvonne   

