

2014-04-17 深圳,中国 留言

Shenzhen Apartment Rent apartment rent house room lease shenzhen
Shenzhen Midcentury serviced apartment
Discount price only CNY3300/month;free rent for daily weekly monthly
☆Location: Aiguo road, near Donghu lakePark, Luohu District,detail in map. It has 26 floors, our apartment in 5 floor,B unite.
☆Accommodation: Decorated equate to 4-star hotel, architect design works, wonderful living enviroment to successful peaple persuiting the highest level of live.
☆international residential garden, people came from different country living here!
☆Facilities: Large bed, Full set of bed and bath linen supplied, air condition, Cable TV, free broadband internet access, Refregerator, kitchen with oven ,24h hot water bath, washer; good furnished for short term living.
☆Resident services staff in attendance on extended-hour basis 7 days a week
☆Access to: 9km Train station,10 min drive; 5km Dongmen commercer center; 7km Midcentury café house, very convinient to pass in and out of Hongkong.
☆Surrounding: Garden,Swimmingpool, Shenzhen Donghu lakePark, gymnasium, Supermarket, Bank,Mcdonalds ,Shenzhen biggest tennis court in Donghu lakePark;
☆Shopping:5km to Dongmen commercer center 10mini Taxi;1km away from the biggest Asia jewels market.500m to JUSCO Shopping mall.
☆Clean: Cleaning/sanitizing is effectively supervised by a person to whom that duty is assigned.
☆Safety: On campus security guards provide 24-hour monitor. IC Card Entrance System
www.zsj.cn Phone & : 0755-33353736 Fax; 22362548 Email: M 请留言 QQ:372953088
中世纪酒店式公寓是深圳市三诚实业有限公司下属酒店类服务机构,整层自有物业,准四星级酒店装修标准,向来深圳的商务出差、中短期工作、探亲访友、旅游渡假的深圳家园,为外地来深及深圳本地的朋友提供一个最温馨、最雅致之家,拎包即入住, 租期自由,可月租周租日租.厨房卫生间洗衣设备齐全.
☆交通: 距火车站9km,车程10分钟;离东门5km,距地王大厦,中世纪咖啡厅7km,12分钟taxi; 离深圳会展中心15km,仅1处红绿灯,15分钟可到达. 距大梅沙小梅沙20分钟车程,快速路直达,不需要穿行红绿灯多的市内道路;
☆装修: 建筑师精心之作,设计风格简约舒适,别具匠心,豪华大气,每一处,都是美的体验。瑞典柏高木地板, 法国丹丽卫生洁具, 卢浮宫豪华家私配套,博姿尼酒店专用高级床上用品,衣镜,厨房,彩洲出口型卫浴五金,自然采光通风的卫生间,没有酒店黑卫生间的气味,24小时供应中央热水。
☆电器: 空调,液晶或纯平彩电,冰箱,电磁炉,电饭锅,油烟机,洗衣机,免费宽带网络.
☆配套: 银行,游泳池,麦当劳,超市,
☆安全: 花园小区,公寓内外专业保安 24h执勤,凭门禁磁卡出入
☆方便: 深圳各高速公路到此处不经红绿灯,电话联系后,我们派专人在花园门口恭候您的光临; 出行方便,共有公交总站7个,经过花园前大街水库新村站点的公交车次超过20班,通向各深圳各区域。
☆卫生: 定期卫生打理,每次入住所有物品都经严格清洗消毒
☆经济: 媲美豪华宾馆,价格只是其1/3(160-218元/天)。


租金: 元3,800(月/周)  区域: 罗湖   租用种类: 独租

房间: >6    卫生间: >4    入住时间:随时入住  联系人: 张小姐   

