
10分钟步行至ALGONQUIN COLLEGE,约450元包ALL UTILITIES,适于单身或夫妻2人,即可用

2004-11-11 渥太华/Ottawa,加拿大 留言

(1)Nice big window. Finished and all utilities are included.(2)10 minutes walk to Algonquin College and Woodroffe/Baseline bus station,10 minutes walk to Shopping mall, Loblaws, Mexx, Jacob, Beer store....(3)Direct bus to Ottawa U and Carleton U.
A very nice room in a house for rent, Shared Kitchen and Bathroom.
Available immediately.
Located in CentrePointe(at cross Woodroff and Baseline).
Rental asking; $450.00
Pls Call 8524364 after 6pm or email 请留言

租金: 加元450(月/周)  区域: Neapen   租用种类: 分租

房间: 1    卫生间: 1    入住时间:2004-11-12    

