

2006-08-14 武汉,中国 留言

I know a apartment which is with confortable decoration.
it's quite new and it has 3 bed room,2 living room,2 washing room,and a kicken.
The living room floor is ceramic and the bedroom lays down the wood floor.The apartment has 4 air conditioners,two water
heaters,a washer, the electric refrigerator, the family theater and a computer and so on.The necessary facility is complete, and it also has the mesh wire.
the only request to the person who rent the apartment is to like cleanly being
located among the Central China scientific and technical university, and the geological university, the light valley square and the Lu xiang shopping center,it is a middle gold land sector

the location is NO.198 LUMO ROAD,HONGSHAN,WUCHANG.
If you want to rent the apartment please dial 13477034449
ask Miss.Jiang

租金: 元2,300(月/周)  区域: 洪山区   租用种类: 独租

房间: 3    卫生间: 2    入住时间:2006-08-15  联系人: 江小姐   

