
CONCORD 楼下两间单间自带卫生间

2016-02-29 , 留言

我在concord 有一房。4个房间,2个卫生间。 一个车库,加上前园和后院。很安全很好的小区。我和我老公准备把楼下两间房间出租。我希望可以出租给留学生或者是有工作的单身人士。男女都可以。


楼下有两个独立的房间。一个大的一个小的。一个卫生间。我老公是准备把小的房间改成他自己的私人健身房。如果有人要两个房间的话我老公他自己会后院建一个小的健身房。大的房间是800一个月包所有的费用了。包括水电费,网络费,垃圾清理费。不包的话是700一个月。小的房间是700包括所有费用. 不包括的话是600. 我们有全新的洗衣机和烘干机。所以租客不用出去洗衣服。所有的费用都是包括在里面了的。包括洗衣液等其他东西。


我之前也是留学生。2013年的时候和我老公结得婚。我老公是美国人。我现在在San Francisco Downtown Finacial Distrct 做Staff Accountant. 我目前还在是在校生。工作是full time。上课是part-time. 我目前在旧金山的golden gate university 读会计专业。我工作的时间是9-5, 周一到周五。一周3天是去学校上课的时间。所以基本上我在家的时间不是很多。周末我和我老公一起出去骑自行车,运动,然后是买生活用品。我和我老公的时间基本上是一样的。


我老公现在在none-progfit 公司做项目经理。他目前在准备考cpa。他去年12月从usf毕业,六月分开始他会在四大会计事务所工作。在四大之后,他有30%-40%的时间会在全美其他城市工作。所以他也是在家的时间不是很多。我们两个的工作时间都是7点会出门,晚上如果有课的话,会在10之后回家,如果没有课的话会在7点回家。我老公是很容易相处的人。

我们Diablo Valley College 只有15分钟的路程,如果开车的话。骑自行车的话30分钟。

离concord bart 15分钟的路(骑自行车的话)。 开车5分钟。



The House: Four bedroom two bath house in Concord off of Cape Cod Way and Clayton Road. You will have your own room and your own bathroom. There is a small closet, and you can use the closet in the other room as well (two rooms are downstairs). I plan on using the second as an in-home fitness center so there will be equipment you can use as well. Wi-Fi is provided, but we do not subscribe to any sort of TV stuff like cable/satellite etc. You can park your vehicle in the driveway or on the street. Laundry is in the garage and if you have some stuff to store there is a little room in the rafters for it. My wife and I just bought the house and we're looking for someone responsible who has lived with roommates before. We're open to havin an agreement that starts at 6 months and then goes month-to-month. Our ideal candidate isn't looking for something permanent as we are only planning to have roommates for the first 2-3 years we live in the place. Scheduled move-in date isMarch 1st but we are flexible for earlier/later move-in date.

****House Mates!*******

I am a 30 year-old transplant from Southern California. I am a program manager at a non-profit in SF, and I also go to school full-time. I am fortunate in that my finances allow me to take the time to find someone who is a great fit for the household. I am very relaxed, friendly, and down to earth; I believe in open, honest and direct communication and never see a reason for an issue to go unaddressed/unresolved. I tend to be fairly forthright, yet I am very receptive, responsive and empathetic to others feelings. I have a good sense of humor, am very friendly, difficult to offend, and get along with just about everyone.

My wife is 29 years-old and was born and raised in China. She has a similar personality to me and is fluent in English, Mandarin and Wenzhounese (hint, she's from Wenzhou). She is also a full-time student and works full-time during the day as an accountant at a startup in SF.

We're conscientious about our environmental impact and typically strive to reduce our unnecessary consumption of resources (e.g. between buying bulk, recycling, and composting, we rarely have much trash to take out). We also do not smoke, drink, or use drugs and would love to find a housemate who primarily refrains as well (or at least isn't a junior alcoholic). While we are willing to consider someone who drinks, smoking cigarettes (or bud) and using any sort of drugs is out of the question.

We're pretty damn clean (read: I don't dust often enough but I do wash my dishes well and all the time) and appreciate leaving a space in the same way as we found it (or better). I work a standard full time job and like home to be a reprieve from chaos. I consider friends and mates very welcome company, though I rarely have many guests over myself (definitely not partiers by any means). Occasional movie watching is totally welcome but I don't have cable and do not wish to have someone constantly hanging out with a TV blaring (if you want to pay for cable and have a TV in your room you are totally welcome to). At the risk of sounding fluffy....I consider home to be a sanctuary from the chaos of my work and from city life. Most evenings, if we are not out with a friend, we like to cook, read, or spend a bit of time on our laptops.

We are not concerned about the color of your skin, your sexual preferences/orientation/identity, etc. We have no issues with the occasional overnight guest (after we get comfortable with each other)....but I don't wish to eat breakfast with your partner most mornings.

If some of the above resonates with you, and if you have a history of (and can continue to) always paying your share of costs on time, then please send us an email with your name, a little bit about yourself and a phone number wher we can reach you.

If (after all that) you are interested please let us know and we can find a time to meet and for you to check out the place! Please respond and tell us a little bit about yourself and we can set something up.

PS- Be prepared to bring a recent credit report (not just your score but the entire report), landlord references, personal references and paycheck stubs if we call you to interview/check out the place. I will do a criminal background check prior to signing any agreement or allowing someone to move in. I don't care if you have non-violent convictions in your past, but nothing within the past five years.

租金: 美元200(月/周)  区域:   租用种类:

   入住时间:随时入住  电话:415-691-1678   

