
求租 一室一厅 半年 加拿大 GUELPH ROSS或世纪 中学附件QQ1755941389

2014-07-05 多伦多/Toronto,加拿大 留言

We two will go to Guelph of Canada next month (16, August) this year , To go to ROSS or Centenial high School. we Want to rent a house or an apartment. A living room and a bedroom, a kitchen, and a toilet. We can pay the money as soon as we get the room. Thank you very much! 8610-13691183539

租金: 面议(月/周)  区域: ROSS 或世纪中学附近   租用种类: 独租

房间: 1    卫生间: 1    入住时间:2014-08-16  电话:13691183539 联系人: 岳先生   

