
超大主人房,SUPER-SIZED 独立卫浴,温暖,安静,极近TRAIN

2014-07-06 悉尼/Sydney,澳大利亚 留言

2室两 卫 secure apartment in Epping, on the 5th floor with lift access, very spacious and sunny master room 出租. 新双人床, big computer desk, 带有镜入墙柜,generous space for storage. 落地玻璃门窗. Huge bathroom with large mirrors, very comfortable.Only share with a working Mum and a school boy, very friendly and kind people,
环境优美安静安全,阳光充足, 更有坐落在5楼的beautiful View. 免费享有公寓设施:BBQ,泳池 and 乒乓球室.
步行3-5分钟 即 火 车 站 (Epping station),汽车站: M54 (every 10’), 630, 288, 290, 295 to Macquarie Uni. one station to Eastwood shopping centre. 步行2分钟即Coles and a variety of amenities.
包水电(heater and fan not included) & 宽带上网.
招不烟爱洁安静 persons。双人 $320; 单人$260,. 可入住 time: 4/7/2014. Please contact 0423492959

租金: 澳元260(月/周)  区域: epping   租用种类: 分租

房间: 2    卫生间: 2    入住时间:随时入住  电话:0423492959 联系人: xin   

