上班族首選:市中心 APPARTMENT出租, 方便, 快捷 (可長/短租)
位於市中心Robson street,
名店, 餐廳, 巴士, 天車站, 超市近在咫尺
4 房1 廳 2 衛 1 廚 ( 最多7 人同時入住)
包陽台, 家俬 有洗衣房
Regular Monthly Rate( 每月)*: $3590
Utilities Fee per person/ month( 每人雜費 ): $39
**雜費包水, 電, 暖氣, Wifi, 電視
歡迎學生,上班族, 家庭 和旅遊人士
I\'m looking for the apartment which can be rent for one year, there are four of us, a family.we\'ll arrive at 1st August this year.if it is available ,please connect with me by email.thx.
Is it available in early june to late july 2014? How much is it to rent during the period mentioned?