

2013-12-23 墨尔本/Melbourne,澳大利亚 留言

在City, La Trobe, RMIT Bundoora上学和附近上班的朋友注意啦:
1. 此Townhouse位于Black Street, 可三分钟走到552bus车站到一区Reservoir火车站!如果感觉腰带开始抱怨小腹给的压力,也可尽管步行之火车站:快则15分钟,慢则20分钟, 鳖爬一天~
2. 房间情况好,双层Townhouse,楼下一个双人房间,楼上两个房间,楼下房间有独立衣柜,楼上房间均配有入墙衣柜;楼下楼上各一个卫生间。
3. 房间提供家具,床,桌椅,绝对不是街上捡来的破旧家具(对这种行为没有误解,以前小生也捡过好多: p),所有房间以及客厅配备空调,再也不用担心猫本夏日热浪;另客厅绝不住人,房子最多四个人;对于房间的地毯清洁,我们有个小小的cleaning robot!用起来真的很方便,省时省力(怎么样~想试试嘛: D);楼上楼下各一个卫生间,洗澡间在楼上,so,尿,永远不再急!对于这种条件的房子,价格便宜,单人周租160或双人180分摊水电气网络。还有,另外一位可爱的房东mm会在家或者出去组织些娱乐活动,单身待解放的快快来吧~~
3. 网络为500G流量,而且现在的我们也不天天下电影,所以不用担心抢流量的问题。
4.临近超市Coles(12点关门)和Broadway 上的各种小店,或者开车到Northland Shopping Centre或Preston Market, 方便购物你懂得, 家里有车,有机会大家也可以一起购物happy shopping啊~
5. 步行五分钟即之Reservoir Leisure Centre,游泳,健身,篮球任你选~
6. 作为室友,如果有需要雅思备考的同学我也可以提供帮助~
0433 058 665 (Wencent)
0425 841 229 (Carrie)
For all those who study in the City, La Trobe University or anyone working in relevant area~
Now is the time to share a room in this three-bedroom townhouse with lovely housemates!
Here come some highlights of this house:
1. It locates at Black Street, Reservoir. Walking to Reservoir Train Station (Zone 1) will take 15 mins if you mind your ever-growing tummy, or take bus 522 if you feel like cheating on your work-out plan : P~.
2. Quite a good deal for $160 (Single) or $180 (Double) for a fully furnished room.
3. 500GB Internet. And I doubt under any circumstances shall it be finished. So worry no more about the limited speed!
4. Fully furnished with good furniture, each room is fiited with air conditioner to hide you from the unbearable heat. Lounge room will be reserved for guest and entertainment, leaving no more than 4 people living in the townhouse. In terms of cleaning the carpet, we've got a cleaning robot! It works brilliant, saving lots of trouble and time! As of the excellent conditions above, the weekly rent will be $160 (single) or $180(double).
5. Close to Coles which opens until 12pm every day. Or you can also drive to Northland Shopping Centre for all sorts of needs and wants~
6. 5 mins' walk will get you to Reservoir Leisure Centre, where swimming pool & gym (pay to enter), or the free basketball court and barbecue stove are all at your service!
7. Well, for those who is still struggling with ielts, I may be of some assistance here.
Ok~ I think that's all I've got right now. So just have a think about it!
Feel free to contact me should you have any queries~
0433 058 665 (Wencent)
0425 841 229 (Carrie)

租金: 澳元680(月/周)  区域: Reservoir   租用种类: 分租

房间: 3    卫生间: 2    入住时间:随时入住  联系人: Carrie   

