A-A+ 一小房间出租适合于BU BC HU HMS NEU 女生 STUDENT OR SCHOLAR 2013-08-13 波士顿/Boston,美国 留言 三室一厅小公寓,与两个女生合住。交通方便,环境安全,有简单家具。只限女生。 小提示:联系我时,请说是在Move2Rent.com上看到的,谢谢!
回复: The room has been rented out. Thank you for interesting [2013-09-10]
有意向 能详谈不?
回复: yes, please call 617-599-0926 or leave your phone number to by email to taoliboston@gmail.com, [2013-08-22]
Could you please tell me your specific adress? DO you charge agency fee?
回复: I am the owner, no fee. Please call 617-599-0926 for details [2013-08-22]
回复: or you can email to taoliboston@gmail.com [2013-08-22]