

2013-07-11 波士顿/Boston,美国 留言

The room is located on the second floor of a family house.
Furnished :) Twin size bed, nightstand, shelf, computer desk&chair, plus a walk-in closet.
Three people live on second floor. We have hard floor. Second floor have full bath, kitchen is on the first floor.
Starts from July 20th or Aug 1st, very flexible.
Hopefully one-year lease, but it's negotiable.
The address is 166 Beltran St. Malden.
Convenient store is just one block away. 5 minutes walking distance to Oak Grove Station (Orange Line).
Welcome to contact me with additional question.
qwerty0796 [AT] sohu [DOT] com

PS. Girls only. sorry..


租金: 美元500(月/周)  区域: Malden   租用种类: 分租

房间: 4    卫生间: 1.5    入住时间:2013-07-21    

  1. Lin
  2. songxinmeng

