BRIGHTON近BU,BC坐车15分钟, 离绿线步行3分钟, 全新高级公寓1房1厅1卫 $2160
位于Brighton近BU,BC坐车15分钟, 离绿线步行3分钟, 全新高级公寓1房1厅1卫,中央控制空调,包热水包暖气包炉气,高级厨房内洗碗机,垃圾清除器,冰箱,微波炉等应有尽有,楼内有洗衣房,楼下有超大花园,环境优美,六月一日起可以入住,每月2160刀,价格超值,预订从速。更多房源请联系QQ329831733,电话6179018073
I\'m a student in Boston college. Is the condo 15 mins away by subway? Will I still be able to rent it in August? Is there any way to reserve it?
I\'m a student in Boston college. Is the condo 15 mins away by subway? Will I still be able to rent it in August? Is there any way to reserve it?