

2006-03-03 昆明,中国 留言


位于昆明市北辰小区凤凰城六楼,三室两厅两卫双阳台(132平方米),南北座向,前后花园景色幽雅。24小时保安、热水、电梯。高雅装修,两卧室和学习间为深咖啡色实木地板,客厅宽敞明亮。 配全套家具及设施:电视、洗衣机、冰箱、床、写字桌、书柜、电视柜、餐桌、沙发、高速ADSL和电话线等。社区生活方便,银行,健身中心,游泳池,麦德龙超市、各类餐馆及情调酒吧均在步行范围内。 房主现于美国攻读博士,愿把温馨爱屋交给会把它当作自己家一样爱护的住户使用。一年合同月租金人民币3,999.00元(或美金499.00)外加水电费。首付两个月租金(第一个月和最后一个月)及一个月房租为保证金,其他租金可按月支付。感兴趣者请与房主联系。

Three-bedroom, Two-bath Apartment for Rent

Located at Phoenix Central Park, Beichenxiaoqu, Kunming, the apartment is on the 6th floor of a modern, well-maintained, and quiet apartment complex. 24-hour security plus video intercom. Approximately 132 square meters (1,420 square feet). Three bedrooms, two full bathrooms, kitchen with microwave, sitting/dining room, and two balconies. One balcony overlooks a beautiful garden with nice walkways around a small pond. Fully furnished with large-screen TV, stereo, DVD, washing machine, fridge, king and queen beds, desk, dinning table and chairs, couch, high speed ADSL, telephone line, etc. Beautiful wood floors in bedrooms, and marble floor in sitting/dining area. Very convenient and friendly location. One block to Metro Shopping Center, bank, and several restaurants. Cafes, bars, tea houses, swimming pool, fitness center, bus station, and shops are within 10 minutes walking distance. Owner, a doctoral student at an American university, desires to rent while overseas. One-year lease at US$499 or RMB3,999 per month plus utilities. First and last month’s rent, plus security deposit of US$499 required. If interested, please contact owner. Great opportunity, don’t miss!


租金: 美元499(月/周)  区域: 盘龙区   租用种类: 独租

房间: 3    卫生间: 2    入住时间:随时入住  联系人: Mei Wu   

