BENTLEIGH EAST ( 1,2 区交界处)精装修4房2厅2 卫别墅,1个房间出租
别墅宽敞明亮,环境舒适,干净整节,新装修,开放厨房37 平方米,中央暖气,硬木地板,超强空调,入墙衣柜。招干净整节,不吸烟,不喝酒,不养宠物人士入住。East Bentleigh, zone1&2. Very close to bus 703, 767 and 701. Take zone 2 bus 703,15 to 20 minutes to Monash Uni ( Clayton campus). take bus 767 or 701, less than 10 minutes to Holmesglen TAFE ( Moorabbin campus), 15 minutes to Holmesglen TAFE (Chadston campus). Take bus 767 to Chadstone shopping centre and Southland shopping centre and Box Hill as well. 10 minutes to Bentleigh station or Hughesdale station. Zone 1 ticket to City, RMIT and Monash Uni( Caulfield campus). 5 minutes walk to the certre road shopping strip( food works, pizza shop, fish&chips shop etc). Near Centenary Park.
Pls contact Jenny on 0411321848 or QQ: 2351170937