this is patrick from Mt Waverley. i saw your ads online.
my home only 5 mins (by bus)from Monash Uni, and 3 mins (by walk) from Shopping center. Now i has one room to be rented at $350-$400/pm. if you are interested in it, please contact me. thanks.
Hi this is patrick from Mt Waverley. i saw your ads online. my home only 5 mins (by bus)from Monash Uni, and 3 mins (by walk) from Shopping center. Now i has one room to be rented at $350-$400/pm. if you are interested in it, please contact me. thanks. Regards Patrick
我有MONASH CLAYTON校区一间学校公寓的房间需要替代学生,你如有需要租房可联系我,我不收费用,只是去学校办一下手续即可,谢谢!
Mulgrave分租近Free Way和 Monash 大学Clayton分校 1.地点: 20 Windermere Cr. Mulgrave 3170 Melway 81A5 2.价低:单间10平方. 周租仅$105. 2月18日起租. 4.包水电,宽带,家具(冰箱洗衣机都是新买的),拎包即可入住.公共面积很大,院内有5个车位,院外还有车位. 5.交通方便, 近高速公路仅1公里,有车的朋友去哪都方便. 6.步行3分钟可乘802/804/862直达Monash Uni-Clayton分校 7.1.5公里可达Waverley Garden Shopping Centre, 四大超市,银行什么都有. 请电 0425 769 166 江先生.无车者看房免费接送.