伦敦WOOLWICH, 月租570镑,地铁700米
物业邮编SE18 7TA,离泰晤士河岸DLR约700米。交通和价格是在读和金融区起步单身的佳选。
房租 6个月合同月租570镑,短租加20%
请 email 请留言 或微信 gmt-zero
- 女生
- 出示: 护照,合法签证,学校注册
- 根据实际情况可能要求credit check或相关reference,以保护全体住客的安全。
- 地处皇家格林威治禁烟区,恕不面向吸烟、火锅和烧烤
Hello, I teach at UCL, and am interested in your place for rent: 1. how many people will be sharing the flat when fully occupied? How many toilets, bathrooms, and refrigerators? 2. washer & dryer? 3. Is this a quiet place? 4. Is the room situated right next to either the toilet/shower/kitchen? 5. Is it in a safe neighborhood if I come back very late? mobile: 07932334985 Landline: 020 7679 0371
你好! 你还有房间出租吗? 我儿子刚大学毕业,12月1日开始到 one Canada square 上班。最好11月底可入住。谢谢!