168第12站NORTH PLYMPTON 大床大房 110全包 现可入住
House 位于西南边NORTH PLYMPTON,安全安静的第12站,房子温馨舒适.双砖房,冬暖夏凉! 厕所和浴室分开,十分方便.门口5米就是168车站,GO ZONE. 交通方便,另外MARION ROAD上第8站有168,167,J7,J7M,H20都可以坐。到CITY, 阿大,南澳大学 20分钟左右。可直达Glenelg大海滩,West Lakes, Flinders, Airport, Marion Shopping Center等。附近有COLES,银行,邮局。厨房很大,配备齐全,各种锅碗瓢盆一应俱全,可提供厨具.提包即可入住。卧室内有KING SIZE大床,梳妆台,衣橱,书架,电脑桌椅. 有中央空调. 100G电缆宽带。有固定电话.欢迎随时看房,入住。现有房客夫妻和我夫妻共四人居住. 自己的房子,不是二房东.单人110/周全包.如有需要,可以帮忙搬家. 联系方式: QQ 287312849,手机0425 531 688(vodafone)可英文/拼音短信,站内,邮件 请留言
I am a new immigrant from China. I will be arriving in Australia with my husband and daughter on 15th May. I like this property and i want to rent it. Would you please reply me soon if you see my application? Thank you very much!
Hi, I will come to Adelaide around 20th of Jul 2013 and I am single female from Shanghai. I would like to know whether you still have one room for me at that time. Thank you for your feedback.
你的房子什么情况 7月中旬入住,一家三口,附近有小学吗?离阿德莱大学怀特校区多远?一年租金多少?含水电?QQ:435966483