
布里斯本 STRETTON 888 豪宅社區 房間出租

2012-06-28 布里斯班,澳大利亚 留言

地點: Stretton 888 社區
- 走路5分鐘到Bus Stop 150, 151, 155等可直達Garden City, QUT City, City和
Griffith Uni (Nathan Campus)在Garden City 169 可方便轉車到UQ.
- 附近有Shopping Centre 生活機能方便
- 開車到Sunnybank和Browns Plains Shopping Complex 5分鐘
- 坐公車到Sunnybank 和 Browns Plains Shopping Complex 只要10分鐘

- 家具/設施齊全(包括書桌)
- 有中央空調
- 包水電,網路
- 可提供停車位
- $130/week 獨間雙人床
- $100/week/person 兩人share一房間+提供兩個單人床

- 徵理想租客: 愛乾淨,良好個人/公共衛生, 不抽菸 (Female Preferred)

Mobile: 0432102909


Stretton 888 The Parks Stunning Room For Rent
-888 The parks

- ONLY 5 minutes walk to bus stop 150, 151 and 155.
- Direct busing available to Garden City, QUT City, City and Griffith Uni
(Nathan Campus). Can transfer at Garden City 169 to UQ
- Close to shopping centres
- 5 minutes drive to Sunnybank Hills and Browns Plains Shopping Complex
-10 minutes busing to Browns Plains Shopping Complex and Sunnybank Plaza

Room Features:
- Furniture such as bed and study desk are included
- Ducted Air conditioning
- Water and electricity included
- Wireless Internet available
- Can offer a parking area
- $130/week/ single room - double sized bed provided
- $100/week/person single room shared by two people with two single sized bed provided

Seeking for quite, tidy, non-smoking student/professional (Female Preferred)

Please contact Andy for questions or appointment for inspection
Mobile: 0432 102 909

租金: 澳元140(月/周)  区域: Stretten   租用种类: 分租

房间: 4    卫生间: 2    入住时间:随时入住  联系人: Andy   

  1. Flamshun
  2. Elise
  3. Nora

