DEAKIN 附近一大房间出租
这是一间全新的house, 2层楼,大别墅,非常干净整齐,空间超大,家具全新,人员非常nice。间间房都是大房间,现在有一个大房间出租,价格面议,欢迎随时看房,房子的地址是 montpellier road burwood,也就是距离deakin 2号门2条街的距离,非常适合deakin的学生,步行去学校也就是10分钟的时间,非常安静,因为是新房子,所以欢迎爱干净,不抽烟,不养宠物,好相处的同学前来看房,同时房东的联系方式是 0425440726 或者QQ561822646,欢迎前来骚扰哦,先到先得
Dear Sirs, We are interested for ur rent room post. As i m not in australia yet, can you please email me to below email of sayhello2yao gmail com Therefore, we can discuss about the rent room further. Thank you. Best regards, Yao