我是RMIT的学生, 希望能有方便到city的房子 (步行到车站不超过5分钟,并在三十分钟内能到city)
我现在人在中国, 不方便电话联系。 2月26日回墨尔本可直接入住, 有意者请加我QQ: 26-2042666(米虫) 或直接联系我的邮箱(最好能附上房间照片)
I have a neat bedroom for rent with new furniture. my house close to Epping station to reach any where in Melboure. I am Christian and i love people study hard and peace. please contact me if u interest in stay with me. Thanks
have a room for rent near the city have a bus trian tram easy excess walk to the station if you would like to know please ring 0433 566 448 thks
我有你想要租的房间,独立HOUSE房子,有房出租,干净明亮,交通方便,临近大学, 出门有公交电,近电车,火车站,电车,火车直达 city RMIT ,家具齐全,高速宽带上网。 周租:单人大房间$130-150包水电煤气,可随时入住,环境安静,安全,房间上锁,适合爱干净 city RMIT 的学生,同住的有RMIT室友,现可网上预定2月26日回到墨尔直入住的房子,有照片可以看下,有意请与我联系:0411885076 or email: lingwayd @ g mail. com 请注明租WR130/150房间.