

2011-06-02 布里斯班,澳大利亚 留言

Location : approximately 10-15 mins walk to QUT (KG) or RCH bus station
Available date: now till 6th August, 2011
$ 135 per week, including internet, electricity and hydro
This room is quite big that you can roll on the floor, and which contains a desk, chair, single bed, and a huge closet.
Because I have some personal issues that I have to go back to Taiwan soon, that’s why I urgently rent out this room. My contract will end to 3rd August, 2011, if you feel comfortable about this accommodation, you could continue the contract.
Additionally, $540 for the bond fee.
If you have any interest to inspire, please call or text 0403535968. (Tanya)
OR mail to 请留言 ( English or mandarin, 你要說台語也是可以啦)


租金: 澳元135(月/周)  区域: QLD   租用种类: 独租

房间: 1    卫生间: 2    入住时间:2011-06-10  联系人: Tanya   

